
Cummins is helping to empower a global community that needs support – women and girls.

Note: this photo was taken prior to COVID-19

通过与专家非营利组织合作,并利用康明斯员工和领导人的独特技能和才华,康明斯妇女还为在短短三年内在18个国家 /地区提供了98,000名妇女和女孩的平等权利和机会。Launched on International Women’s Day in 2018, the now $20 million community initiative has achieved significant results including 14 gender equality law and policy changes positively impacting more than 17 million women and girls around the world that stemmed from nearly 100 advocacy grants issued through the Cummins Powers Women program.


康明斯社区关系副总裁兼康明斯基金会首席执行官玛丽·蒂特斯沃思·钱德勒(Mary Titsworth Chandler)表示:“去年在这么多战线上是一个令人难以置信的挑战,有色人种和有色人种受到影响最大。”“我们的许多康明斯为妇女提供了非营利性伙伴的力量,迅速转移了工作,以满足大流行的紧急需求,例如增加家庭暴力和对个人卫生用品的需求,同时也适应了为女孩和女孩提供的长期努力妇女对全球大流行呈现的新现实。”


“在国际妇女节 - 我们庆祝妇女的领导,并继续肯定男人必须成为实现性别平等的正式伴侣,包括采取措施结束性别歧视和歧视,消除妇女晋升的障碍,并公平地分担抚养孩子的责任并照顾我们的房屋。” Promundo-US总裁兼首席执行官Gary Barker说。“与我们在Kering基金会的合作伙伴一起,我们很高兴与康明斯合作,以帮助促进这一愿景并展望未来 - 专注于在男孩生活的早期创造变革,通过改变我们提高他们的方式。通过支持男孩拥抱联系,拒绝性别歧视并摆脱有害刻板印象,我们希望为更平等的未来奠定基础。”

“We chose to support Promundo because of our shared belief that working with men and boys to change harmful gender norms and unequal power dynamics is a critical part of the solution to achieving gender equality,” said Antonio Leitao, Vice President of Cummins’ Europe Area Business Organization.


Interested in learning more about how your company or organization can get involved with gender equality efforts?



Cummins Inc.

康明斯是全球电力领导者,设计,制造,出售和服务柴油和替代燃料发动机从2.8升到95升,柴油和替代燃料的电气发电机套件从2.5到3,500 kWcsgo菠菜网roll,以及相关的组件和技术。lol电子竞技康明斯通过其600家公司拥有和独立分销商设施以及190多个国家和地区的7,200多家经销商的网络为客户提供服务。csgo竞猜平台

Cummins Advocating for Racial Equity grant helps Memphis vocational training firm keep pace





除了为成人提供劳动力培训外,Octi还致力于孟菲斯的年轻人。该公司通过其青年服务办公室与Shelby County Schools合同,与该市建立了五年的合作关系,以预防青年暴力计划。csgo菠菜网roll


But OCTI applied for and was awarded a 2021 CARE (Cummins Advocating for Racial Equity) grant of $20,000. This allowed them to make payroll, pay rent and utilities and more, thereby keeping their doors open for vocational training.

康明斯高管费尔南多·赫恩登(Fernando Herndon)说:“黑人拥有的企业在孟菲斯和全国都起着重要作用。”“很荣幸支持小型企业,以便他们可以继续为孟菲斯市的社区所做的出色工作。特别感谢我们的合作伙伴River City Capital对Care Grant计划的贡献。”

Cummins Inc.’s CARE initiative seeks to address inequities in areas where it conducts business. Cummins has provided grants to Black-owned businesses in Memphis, Indianapolis, Minneapolis, and Columbus, Indiana


要了解有关奥林匹克培训学院的更多信息,请访问octitraining.com,或致电901-614-2060与Octi教育总监Kim Byrd联系,或[电子邮件保护]om.

詹姆斯·宽 - 康明斯公司


詹姆斯·威德(James Wide)是康明斯公司(Cummins Inc.)外部通信团队的撰稿人和复制编辑。他于2018年加入了公司。



康明斯公司(Cummins Inc.)长期以来一直在为性别平等采取行动。在内部,我们正在努力改善公司各级妇女的代表性。而且,我们通过我们的全球计划康明斯为妇女提供了同样的动力和专注于社区中的女孩和妇女。

Since it launched in 2018, this $22 million commitment (to date) has served 26 million women and girls. Through the efforts of our leaders and employees partnering with expert nonprofits around the world, 32 laws and policies have been changed to improve gender equality. More than 5,500 Cummins employees volunteered almost 12,000 hours last year in support of nonprofits working to engineer solutions to gender inequality.

该计划现在在17个国家 /地区有9个非营利组织合作伙伴,专注于性别平等的四个主要驱动力:

• Educational attainment: Grants to the National Aboriginal Sporting Chance Academy (NASCA), Girls Inc. and Camfed help girls finish secondary school and transition to work, further education or entrepreneurship.

During the week of March 7, Cummins employees and leaders from seven regions are hosting virtual and in-person discussions on gender bias. A variety of leaders, spanning the Cummins Leadership Team, country leadership, plant leaders and site leaders from around the world are sharing their volunteerism in support of women and girls. Additionally, an all-male panel is focusing on the important role men and boys play and how everyone can demonstrate their commitment to gender equality.

Anna Lintereur

Anna Lintereur is Chief of Staff and Communications Manager for Corporate Responsibility at Cummins Inc. She joined the company in 2010, serving in a variety of roles including global communications leader for Corporate Responsibility and project manager for the construction of Cummins’ Distribution Business headquarters in Indianapolis. Prior to joining Cummins, she worked for Irwin Financial Corporation for more than 12 years.

Cummins TEC and CARE bring career opportunities to Memphis and Nashville, Tennessee

从左起:田纳西州董事会成员摄政王尼沙·鲍尔斯(Nisha Powers),孟菲斯TCAT董事会主席罗兰·雷纳(Roland Rayner),孟菲斯市长吉姆·斯特里克兰(Jim Strickland),康明斯公司的费尔南多·赫恩登(Fernando Herndon)。
从左起:田纳西州董事会成员摄政王尼沙·鲍尔斯(Nisha Powers),孟菲斯TCAT董事会主席罗兰·雷纳(Roland Rayner),孟菲斯市长吉姆·斯特里克兰(Jim Strickland),康明斯公司的费尔南多·赫恩登(Fernando Herndon)。


When Cummins Inc. created the Cummins Advocating for Racial Equity (CARE) initiative in 2020, launching new Technical Education for Communities (TEC) workforce development programs in identified U.S. cities was an opportunity to create educational pathways for Black residents to good, living wage jobs in transportation, logistics and other industries.

Last month, Cummins TEC partnered with the Tennessee College for Applied Technology (TCAT) to open a new facility to create technical career opportunities in Memphis, Tennessee. Through CARE, Cummins TEC and TCAT also forged a partnership with McGavock High School in Nashville, Tennessee to improve pathways for Black youth into prosperous careers in the diesel field.
“Cummins TEC seeks to transform lives through technical vocational education by training disadvantaged youth in employable skills to gain good jobs,” said Tracy Embree, Vice President and President, Cummins Distribution segment. “Cummins and McGavock High School have been partners since 2006, and our employees have volunteered over 5,700 hours supporting the school, including renovating the school’s courtyard, providing tours of Cummins facilities, and offering job shadowing opportunities.”



“现在,雇主比以往任何时候都更加努力寻找合格的候选人,以填补诸如柴油发动机服务技术人员之类的良好付费角色,”康明斯外部多样性和包容性计划和护理领导者康明斯执行董事费尔南多·赫恩登(Fernando Herndon)说。csgo菠菜网roll“ TEC的目的专注于支持和发展社区,在田纳西州,在寻找,雇用和保留良好人才方面,公司挑战了许多机会。我们期待与TCAT,田纳西州摄政委员会和其他行业合作伙伴一起工作,以帮助为学生提供良好工作的途径。”

“Cummins is known worldwide for its general excellence, quality, innovation and great corporate citizenship, and we couldn’t be prouder that the company is launching this tremendous program at our Colleges of Applied Technology in Nashville and Memphis and partnering high schools,” said Flora W. Tydings, Tennessee Board of Regents Chancellor. “With 10 years of experience in 14 countries around the world, Cummins’ Technical Education for Communities program has proven successful results: more than 2,000 graduates from disadvantaged backgrounds who have learned the skills they need for great jobs, which in turn helps their communities. I know that our partnership and its opportunities for students will have the same success here. On behalf of the Tennessee Board of Regents, I thank Cummins for this generous commitment to our students and our communities.”

单击此处以了解有关TEC的更多信息, 和在这里了解有关TCAT的更多信息

詹姆斯·宽 - 康明斯公司


詹姆斯·威德(James Wide)是康明斯公司(Cummins Inc.)外部通信团队的撰稿人和复制编辑。他于2018年加入了公司。


2020年10月,康明斯公司(Cummins Inc.' capabilities - its people, its balance sheet and the company’s philanthropy - to drive racial equity and combat the impact of racism on its people, communities, and economy.

• Police reform
• Criminal justice reform

“康明斯的诚信价值驱使我们做正确的事,并对不公正行为行事;通过护理,我们将精力集中在康明斯拥有制造工厂,办公室或服务分支机构地点的社区中。”护理计划负责人Fernando Herndon说。csgo竞猜平台csgo菠菜网roll“康明斯有一个倡导平等的历史,可以追溯到前康明斯总裁兼董事长J. Irwin Miller。In fact, it was J. Irwin Miller who wrote, ‘character, ability and intelligence are not concentrated in one sex over the other, nor in persons with certain accents or in certain races, or in persons holding degrees from some universities over others,’ prior to his retirement in 1977. J. Irwin Miller laid the foundation for CARE,” added Herndon.



Charleston, South Carolina is a community where Cummins has a large footprint, and since 2020 CARE has executed several projects and initiatives with positive results for the city. A wonderful example of this work is Cummins’ partnership with Metanoia, a local non-profit investing in neighborhood assets to build leaders, establish quality housing and generate economic development. Cummins has worked with Metanoia for the last decade, and recently approved a $1 million Community Development grant through CARE in late 2021. These funds will be used to build and develop affordable housing in the Charleston community.

•Metanoia 100万美元的社区发展赠款


詹姆斯·宽 - 康明斯公司


詹姆斯·威德(James Wide)是康明斯公司(Cummins Inc.)外部通信团队的撰稿人和复制编辑。他于2018年加入了公司。




Thank you.